Tuesday 17 July 2012

Sea Birds

A wonderful bird is the pelican 
His bill will hold more than his beli-can 
He can take in his beak 
Food enough for a week 
But I'm damned if I can see how the hel-i-can .... Ogden Nash
Here is my tag for this week's theme, Sea Birds. What a fascinating bird is the pelican!
Again, I have used a watermark print of a photo taken in North Queensland, at the beach in Cairns and the glossy close up was taken on the Central Coast of New South Wales. I like using my own photos, especially when they are of places here in Australia because they remind me of happy times, on holidays.   The watermark has been coloured with chalk stamp pads, and the coloured paper was an art journal backing page which has soaked up paint from another piece of art. I cut out the close up image of the pelican from a glossy photo to contrast the matte background, and raised it to give a little more depth. Thanks for the many positive and encouraging comments on previous tags - very much appreciated. Best wishes for a happy and creative week, Wilma


  1. Gorgeous tag with a limerick from from one of my fave writers . Ogden Nash, He is such a master of short and snazzy verses! Valerie

  2. Fabulous tag Wilma, I love the verse very apt!x

  3. Very cool - I forgot about the Pelican - I had not read that poem before. great tag

  4. What a great tag - I love the image, and the background is beautiful - such lovely colours. The verse is just perfect for it.

  5. Thats such a fun poem, my mother in law told it to the boys when they were little. Your fabulous tag made me remember.

  6. Wilma,

    This tag is just beautiful! Perfect in every way!

    Best, Mary Ann

  7. Fabulous! Glad to see someone else chose a pelican! I had heard that poem before but had forgotten it; great addition to a lovely tag!

  8. Beautiful tag Wilma...Such a nice idea to use your personal photos (and memories) to make a wonderful tag...the little poem is a lovely addition too :)

  9. Wilma, I love Ogden Nash and this little limerick never even occurred to me for Sea Birds. Bravo on the interpretation and the tag!

  10. Perfect tag, I love that little poem, the wavy edged paper, colours and pretty tie are all great, Jane xx

  11. I agree about using your own photos, it really makes for a personal tag!

  12. Hi Wilma what a fabulous limerick to compliment your beautiful tag. I hadn't heard this one before - beautiful work.

  13. A great tag, love your photos. Never heard that poem before, I think my class of 3 year olds will enjoy it.

  14. Awesome tag! Love the poem.

  15. Brilliant tag. Love the Pelican. If anyone can a Pelican can. Hugs Mrs A.

  16. Hahaha - great limerick Wilma! Great idea to use a Pelican - incredible bird :0)

  17. I love your photograph and that old whimsical verse. Blessings!

  18. Lovely tag. Love the pelican.


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