Tuesday 17 July 2012


Living in Brighton means you often take your life in your hands when walking along the seafront, especially if you are enjoying fish and chips or something else yummy. You are very likely to get bombarded by seagulls! However, there are some seagulls that I am very fond of. Our local football team, Brighton and Hove Albion, are nicknamed the Seagulls! So I've used them as the inspiration for my tag this week.
I created the base from a t-shirt shape with the distinctive blue and white stripes of the Albion strip. I added 3 photos - at the top is our old stadium which was open to the elements and you got very wet and cold if it rained; in the middle is my husband Adrian in his football shirt; at the bottom is the team warming up at our beautiful and award winning new stadium! I've also included the logo showing the seagull, which I photocopied off my football shirt.

 I saw my first ever live football match a few years ago and was hooked, so now we are season ticket holders, and I'm suffering from live footie withdrawal over the summer break! Won't be long though and then it'll be "come on you super seagulls!"


  1. This is a clever take on the theme! Great tag, will look good on a pressie for your hubby! x

  2. Hey hey what a great take on this weeks theme. Well done I think it's brill.

  3. Gorgeous idea to use the football team seagulls! lOvely tag! Valerie

  4. Go the Super Seagulls! What a great interpretation of the theme and a tribute to your favourite team - hope you have a successful next season, Jo.

  5. Very creative way to show the theme. Go team!

  6. I am not a footie fan, but I do love the tag. Very unique interpretation of this week's theme. Nice one :-)

  7. I love your idea - very original, and what a great tag for a football enthusiast!

  8. Jo,

    I love your originality and creativity! What a great tag!

    Best, Mary Ann

  9. Jo,

    I love your originality and creativity! What a great tag!

    Best, Mary Ann

  10. Very original! Cool idea!

  11. Such a clever take on this weeks theme Jo...Fab tag!

  12. Unique and very well done!

  13. Great idea, Jo, I like how you have written on some chants and slogans on the T-sirt tag. Good luck for them this season! Jane xx

  14. Great twist to this weeks theme. Inspired!

  15. A very clever take on this weeks theme.

  16. Love your unique take on sea birds! Those poor seagulls are getting bad rap this week.

  17. Thinking outside of the box. Love it. Hugs Mrs A.

  18. This is a very clever take on the sea birds theme. Blessings!

  19. Great idea. what a fun tag.


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