Sunday 15 July 2012


I had not played with vintage for a while, so I also wanted to do a vintage tag. I found a wonderful old photograph of people swimming on the beach. I used Tim Holtz products to age it even more and colored pencils to tint it very lightly. Next, I found a picture of a contemporary bathing suit model and superimposed her on the beach. Her comment is from the old Virginia Slims ad campaign, "We've come a long way baby." I love the way that it appears that the boys in the foreground are staring at her stunned while the mother on the right seems to be quickly ushering her daughter away from this appalling scene.

When we were all small, we were thrown into the water to sink or swim. All of us became competitive swimmers, although I was the worst of the lot. My mom quit smoking when she was 50 and was worried about getting fat, so I told her, "You've made us swim all of our lives, get your fanny in the pool and work out." Mom is 81 and is still a competitive swimmer. She has been on a first place National US Master's Swim Team and holds several records. The first picture is of my Mom wearing her US National Championship medal and the other picture is of her in competition swimming backstroke.This tag is a tribute to my mom and I hope she reaches her goal of  "I'm going to outlive all of my competition!"
I apologize for the late posting but I had mine scheduled to post on Tuesday and for some reason, it did not post.


  1. Very nice tags! Believe it or not, I used to clip those VS ads. Some of them are pretty funny.

  2. Awesome tag! I'm sure your mom will reach her goal. Tell her I'm rooting for her!

  3. I like both your tags, especially the one for your mother. That is a marvelous story. I guess there's still hope for me getting back into shape.

  4. They definitely look shocked Martham. I can just picture it - and she is looking fairly modest by todays standards!! Great tag. Thanks for sharing memories of your great Mum. I could learn a thing or two from her!

  5. Love both your tags...and WTG your Mom!!

  6. Wow you must be so proud of your Mum. Great tags!

  7. Both your tags tell great stories - what a wonderful way to share your mother's remarkable success and determination.

  8. love your tags and your story about your mum, good for her!

  9. Great stories behind your great tags - what a wonderful tribute to your mum - she sounds like an amazing person - hope she achieves her goal! Love the vintage one - it made me smile!

  10. 2 lovely tags, a super tribute to your Mum, bless her, Jane xx

  11. Brilliant tags and 'Way to go!' for your mum. I'm very impressed :0)

  12. What a clever take on this weeks theme. Well done

  13. Really cool idea with this tag and it turned out awesome!!!
    Love the story and picture of your Mom, that is a really great story to share. Way to go Mom!!


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