Friday 13 July 2012


I remember so well going to the local lido with my brothers just about every day during the summer holidays. We spent all day there, constantly in and out of the water, devouring our sandwiches etc, maybe even having a little snooze once in a while after hours of play. So I chose a Lido for this week's SWIMMING theme -

I didn't get round to visiting last week, I was so busy getting everything ready to go to France for the summer. I'll try and visit you all over this weekend though.

Toodlepip xxx

Thursday 12 July 2012


Now Ladies....
Don't forget your Bloomers when you go swimming!!
Otherwise you won't be allowed to have a paddle in the sea!!

I decided to alter another of my little  vintage mini cabinet card photos
...all collaged together with, lace, trim, ticket, mini hanger, shell, retro images from computer which have been inked...
....and I blinged it all up by coating it with some sparkly modge podge...which in hindsight I wish I hadn't !!... I preferred it without the glitter....Oh well !... we play and learn I suppose!
Off to have a look at all this weeks swimming beauties now....
Thanks for peeking!
Jan x

Wednesday 11 July 2012


Maybe it was wishful thinking and looking at all your lovely, sunny, seaside tags last week that brought a slight change in the weather.  At the first sign of sunshine on Thursday we got in the car and headed  for the beach,  but the brightness was short-lived and it has rained here in Bournemouth ever since.  Bailey wasted no time getting in the waves for a swim, and she is the star of my swimming tag this week.  

I wrapped a long strip of frayed blue organza around a craft vylene tag.  This covered both sides of my tag.  On one side I used some homemade silk paper (made with particularly curly silk throwsters!) to give the effect of surf. This was similar to last week's SEASIDE TAG ; here they are together to show the difference:
On the front I attached  a photo of Bailey doggy-paddling in the water.  I needle-felted some curly silk behind the photo to continue the surf  in the picture.  Below the photo I printed the words  “Come on in . . . the water’s lovely”.  I used a decorative border punch and added a few shimmer dots.
Tag is finished with a silver ric-rac tie.
Thanks for looking, and for all your lovely comments last week,
Bye for now,

Jane xx


Hi Everyone, 
from Berkshire, where we had the Olympic Torch passing through this morning. If you want to see a picture of it go to my blog.

For my tag this week I thought of beach huts-do you remember last week I used a piece of shirt fabric as a beach hut? Well this time I used a clothing catalogue, and collaged pictures of striped shirts as beach huts. The background is from my stash of painted papers, this time watercolour with added sea salt, which I thought was appropriate!
I photographed it on my painting apron which I made from old stripey shirts!

Fab tags last week, I am sorry I couldn't comment on more of them.
I am looking forward to your tags this week!

Swimming- water babes.

I was given all my Great Aunts photos three years ago when she went into a are home, as she is blind and was going to throw them out.  Amongst them were these two photo's just right for this weeks theme.
The frames were some textured pastel coloured ones that have been lurking in my room for ages.  As they were the wrong colour, I peeled off the top layer and coloured them with Old Paper and Stormy Sky Distress Inks which happened to go really well with a remnant of scrapbook paper, so used it to make the tag.  The 'tie' is from a  hanging pot plant holder I was given years ago. Although I tried different embellishments, I liked the tag with just the words.


This week's theme was a challenge to start with, as I'm not really keen on swimming. Too much feeling cold for my liking, and I did think about doing a tag based on that. Then I remembered watching some old films as a child, with Esther Williams. She did Busby Berkeley numbers in a swimming pool, always smiling and always with immaculate red lipstick. I so wanted to swim like that, and look that glamorous, rather than coughing and spluttering and not liking water up my nose!
So here's my tribute to Esther Williams!
I copied a photo I found on the internet and coloured it using my favourite watercolour pencils. To create an underwater effect I used to tone of blue pencil and blue and silver gel pens in a zig zag across the picture. I think it works well to create a shimmery swimming pool effect. I made sure I used a pen for her red lips! I added film sprockets down the edges - completely the wrong number of them but it gives an 'effect'! Final touches - a chiffon ribbon and a pink flower to complement the bright yellow bathing suit, and Esther Williams, Swimming Super Star in the bottom right hand corner.

Here's the photo I used. I found it on this website.

There are loads more on this website. I especially like this one because of the lipstick! I don't look that elegant on dry land, let alone underwater!


This bathing beauty is getting ready to take a dip, and she uses the same method I do to get in the water, getting in gradually, trying to avoid the waves.  No diving in for us!  I love the vivid colors on her bathing suit.  Had to make this one about a beach vacation, because that's where we are headed soon, to Turks and Caicos, to swim in that beautiful turquoise water.  Can't wait!
I love all the great ocean themed tags I've seen over the last few weeks!

Tuesday 10 July 2012


 I am very proud of my two daughters, and truly believe they are God sent.  Although they are quite different in looks, temperaments and taste, I love them both the same.
To them, I dedicate this post.

Abby is my youngest and the athlete in the family.  She is in her high school's cross country team, as well as in a city swim team.  She's quite good at both sports and has earned several recognitions, medals and trophies.

 © Arnoldo L. Romero 2012

Since Tag Tuesday's theme is Swimming, it was the perfect opportunity for me to make her a tag in honor of one of her passions.  I began by coating the tag using two shades of acrylic blue paint.  When it was dry, I taped a strip of beaded fringe to the bottom of the tag.  Then, I cut strips of a blue-green print to simulate waves, and glued them on the background.  I also punched three swirls out of a light blue print and pasted them between the waves.  I lettered in her name and dotted the waves with a silver Sharpie marker.  Next, I sketched Abby swimming with a pencil, inked the sketch, and illustrated it with water colors.  I attached the sketch to the tag with foam dots.  As a finishing touch, I made a tassel using 3 types of ribbon and a blue gem.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Carolyn Saxby and the other artists at Tag Tuesday for their continuous words of encouragement.  I am proud to be a part of such a talented team.  And Lynn Holland, if the team ever gets together physically, I'll be glad to bring a cake in celebration of having my "Seaside" Tag being post number 1000.  LOL!

Derek the Duck goes for Gold

Representing the island of Doodly
 Derek the determined duck donned his goggles and attempted his best duckstroke for the 100m.

In his normal life he is an underwater astronaut but has been training hard for the 2012 Olympics and said that this is his final swansong before retiring with his wife Gladys to the Home for Ageing Doodlies on Puffin Island. 

 (how many of you noticed my spelling mistake in the pic)


Hi everyone. I have been very colourful in my work of late, mainly due to the recent aquisition of Dylusion inks, so I have calmed down a little for my effort this week. I love this stamp of the bathing beauty and so I distressed her with vintage photo, used old photo corners, stuck her on a Kraft resist tag, added brown shells on ribbon, two shell stamps in the corner, some mini negative strip and then stamped out some bathing huts that I watercoloured down the side. Last bit, added a stamp that writes about being on holiday down the side in coffee archival ink and Bobs your uncle as they say! (I would love to know the origins of that saying as it doesn't make sense!)
tag tuesday swimmers
I guess looking at it against the orange background means I haven't toned down that much, but with the sun playing hide and seek we all need a bit of summer colour. I hope you all have a great week, am loving the range of all your tags, thanks for taking the time to comment on mine. Byeee for now. x
ps. I love the sea sound Carolyn, brilliant!

Canatara Memories

I grew up on one of the Great Lakes (specifically Lake Huron) in Canada. Canatara (a First Nation word that means Blue Water) Park is located at the mouth of Lake Huron and flows into the St. Clair River.  
I have many happy memories of being on the beach and swimming in the lake (which was fresh water and very COLD) with my family. This beautiful lady is my Mum (probably late 1950's early 1960's) enjoying the sand and sun. I started with a copy of a black and white photo and "tinted" with chalk. Lavender is one of her favorite colours. I added some stickles for the bling. I found the text in one of my hundreds of boxes of paper scraps. 
Don't you just love the fact she has her purse with her! Enjoy, Jewels


Hi everyone!  Summer sure is in full swing around here: H-O-T!!  My tag this week is brought to you by an old Woman's Day magazine.  They had an article on making swimsuits for moms and kids.  I added a few flowers from scrapbook paper and ribbon trim on the bottom; keeping things simple during these early dog days!  Stay cool and see you next week!


Hi everyone,
 I really liked both these images when I found them so I decided to do two tags again this week.  The first image is from the Graphics Fairy - she was wearing bright green and red so I altered the colours on Photoshop to fit in with the colour of the shells, and I distressed the image to give a softer, underwater feel.  I'm afraid I can't remember where I found the second image, I looked at so many!

   Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments last week, I can't wait to see what you've all made for this weeks theme.


Bonjour!  I'm sure all of you in England will be pleased to know that it is VERY cloudy here in France today!  Here is my swimming tag.  I found an image of a vintage poster advertising a French seaside resort and used part of that for my tag.  I collaged it onto a back ground that I had coloured with distress ink and glimmer mist.  Finally I trimmed it with some lace from my stash and some shell embellishments.  Thanks for all the lovely comments made on my tags so far - it really is uplifting to read such nice things!  A bientot, Carolyn x


Here is my tag for this weeks 'Swimming' theme

I grew up in a seaside town and we all used to love reading the saucy postcards that were outside almost every shop. This was the first I saw after searching good old google for ideas and it brought back lots of memories.

I just adjusted the picture to add the foaming sea in the background and the reflection of the bathers in the water; then I added the shell & blue sea glass (thanks Yvonne x) and cut out a couple of my acetate starfish. The ribbon is ric-rac. Et voila!

Thank you for all your very kind comments last week. Any constructive comments are always welcome. Many thanks to Carolyn for posting my efforts week after week. And now, to see the bathing beauties everyone else has discovered



Another fairly simple tag using a sheet of Graphic 45 paper,  some ribbon and a silver tag.

Thank you for the lovely comments last week - they're much appreciated!

I love the wide range of styles that these tags showcase every week.


Hi everybody!  My first tag is a little man who was determined to fill his pool although his Mum had said no! The photo has been backed with some of my hand-painted papers, and I added some pirate accessories, and Noah's Ark, which I found in my button box.

I love this vintage image. I have mounted it onto a distressed and painted cardboard tag, cut in the shape of a beech hut. The shabby bow is a scrap of cotton, and the sun is a yellow daisy. I have added gold glass-glitter sand and some shells.

I discovered these 2 buxom wenches in their jazzy swim-suits, and had to put them on a tag. The tag is a piece of a cornflakes box, covered with some of the blue cotton I used for the bow in the tag above. I fussy cut the images and then rolled them round a pencil to make them stand out before fixing them with foam squares. I wonder what they won those cups for??

 And these are some mini, tag-size flip-flops, which we all need for the beach and swimming....

Have a good week you all! Valerie

Monday 9 July 2012

Seaside and Riverbank

Summer is always busy but this year it is out of control busy but thank goodness for the heat wave (well at least for clearing up a chunk of time other then that it royally sucks) for all one can really do is stay indoors in the central air and occupy one's self. I took today to do a little catching up with Tag Tuesday, I missed last weeks deadline and I definitely wanted to do this week, but thanks to the heat they both got done, here is what I made:

tales of the riverbank

and this week's seaside tag

 Thanks again to Carolyn who hosts Tag Tuesday for such wonderful challenges!

See ya all,