Saturday 7 July 2012


I've lived near different oceans for most of the past 50 years or so and we now live in Barranquilla, Colombia which is on the North Coast of South America. From our new apartment living room window...we can see...WAY over north there...breakers from the Caribbean Sea. My tag was made and inspired by the oceans, beaches, palm trees and fish of the world. I love using fabric scraps as much as I love the ocean.

Peace, love and all things groovy,


Seaside love

 Greetings from the Dallas - Ft. Worth metroplex, in Texas!  My family and I drove up on Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the 4th of July, as well as my mother and mother-in-law's birthdays.  We've thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as we've visited with family, old friends, and our old stomping grounds

Seaside Love
Mixed Media ATC Tag
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012

Thursday afternoon, as I was visiting with my mother, I painted this miniature piece.  I based it on a photograph that my oldest daughter took of my wife and me in 2008 during a Summer vacation at Mustang Island, Texas.  It's one of my favorite pictures!

I started off with a quick pencil sketch and inked it with a Sharpie micron pen.  Then, I did some quick water color washes.  When it was dry, I added some details with colored pencils and white gelato.  As a finishing touch, I sprayed it with a red dye mixture to give it a warm glow.  To turn the ATC into a tag, I edged it with a black stamp pad, made a whole at one end, and added some ribbon, fibers, and a strip of beaded wire.

I struggled with this piece and don't consider it my best work, but I like the tender composition by the seaside and the warm color scheme

Friday 6 July 2012

Seaside memories

Although I have lived by the sea for most of my life, I wasn't sure what to do for this tag. Then I remembered that Mum and Dad had a load of photos of seaside holidays from before we lived by the seaside. Last week was a 'big' birthday for me (40, but don't tell anyone!) and Dad had put together a series of photos to play on our digital photo frame. Thanks Dad! I've used three of them in my Seaside Memories tag.

I've made this a four layer tag.
 The top layer is some ink sketches of things I really associate with the seaside, including my orange bunny bucket, which I'm clutching in the top photo. I was about 1 in this picture and walking along Broadstairs seafront with my Dad and Nanny.
My sketches also included a cardigan, as I always seems to remember wearing a swimming costume and a cardigan on the beach. You can see this in the second photo where I'm building a sandcastle with my Dad and little sister, aged about 9.This is probably at Camber Sands. Sandcastles usually involved a moat which emptied as fast as you could fill it, but if you were lucky you could get your flipflops to float, they always reminded me of speedboats.
The final photo shows me aged about 15, now a seaside resident of Eastbourne, writing in a rare bit of sand. (Do I have to admit that I was writing Bros? That gives my age, and dodgy taste in music away completely!) I've included my cool shades from that picture in my sketches - I LOVED those shades so much.
Here's the tag all layered up with sand and blue ribbons and a white cardigan button, just to remind me!

At the seaside

Hi everyone!  Late with my tag this week as I've had eight house guests - our daughter with seven friends celebrating the end of four years at university together! - have to congratulate her on her first in Fashion Design (proud Mum!)  Therefore a simple tag - I remember several years ago going to Frinton and admiring the beach huts so this was my inspiration for this week.  Will return when I've tidied up and look at your lovely creations.  A bientot, Carolyn xx


I nearly didn't post this after I saw the stupendously creative and original tags that are already on display.
I decided when I joined tag Tuesday that I wouldn't buy anymore 'stuff' I would plunder my stash.
I found the amazing iridescent paper hidden away and knew I had to try and make it look like water.
The girl is by Leyendecker all other elements painted and cut by me.
Kind regards to you all from a very soggy Staffordshire.
Pat x


I do like to be beside the seaside, and so wanted to show off the beautiful beaches here in Australia, especially nearby Newcastle beach. However, today is a miserable, cold and grey winter's day here and I found this image which reminded me of a fairytale seaside where it's sunny all the time! I cut out some waves and branches and a saying  and here  is my "seaside" tag, with some hand dyed cheesecloth for a tie. Soon I will have a look at all the other terrific tags posted this week - it's good to be back! 


In the vintage photo this elegant lady was sitting on a rock at at the beach, but I wanted to give her something more exotic to sit on, so I stamped a lovely shell for her.  The tag background was made from blue patterned paper, and has a border-type stamp near the top.  I found some lacy vintage gold ribbon to put behind her to give the appearance of waves, and gave her a little sparkle on her umbrella.  I think she is dreaming about swimming in the turquoise blue water of the Caribbean (oh no, wait, that is me dreaming about that!).
Thanks for taking a look, and for all of your kind comments from last week.  There are lots of fantastic tags to enjoy this week!

Thursday 5 July 2012

Seagulls or Seadoodlies



Hi Everyone,

Thank you  for all your lovely comments last week. For this weeks tag, for some unknown reason, I just felt that I had to do a watercolour beach scene which was a bit worrying because I haven't painted a watercolour painting since my teens and know very little in the ways of painting with watercolour..

The image that I chose is based on a photo I downloaded the other day for the purpose of the tag but I have looked at so many I can't remember which site I got it from. The paints were from a little box I bought specifically to take on holiday (but never used) and I painted it on watercolour paper.

I'm off to check out all of your lovely tags.

Bye for now x

Seaside rock

What a great theme this week at Tag Tuesday - so many possibilities!  I didn't know what to choose.  I thought about all the different things that come into my mind when I think about going to the seaside and I remembered that trip at the end of the day to the rock shop.  A colourful world of sugary treats!  I know you can still get most of the things I remember from my childhood.  Bags of pebbles, huge dummies and Chocolate Honeycombe pieces....Mmmmmm!

So here is my tag with sticks of rock even the dentist won't mind me having!!  I rolled card and then wrapped the tubes in paper that I coloured myself using Pro Markers.  I even tried my hand at making sugar sticks as an embellishment for my tag.

I made them using cocktail sticks.  I blobbed (technical term) Pinflair glue gel (silicone) on to the tops of the sticks and then dipped them in glass beads and added a touch of stickles for a bit of sparkle.

 Here is the side view of all my sticks of rock with their greetings that go all the way through!!  Hope you like my sweet offering.  Thank you for all the lovely comments last week.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Seaside Sailor Boys

I had a bit of trouble with this week's challenge, because all the themes for this month revolve round the seaside. I found it quite difficult to decide what to use for this tag and what to save for the others. Until I started going through some postcards I had bought in France a few weeks ago, that is. I found a photograph of these sweet little boys all dressed up in their sailor suits, no doubt ready to hit the French Riviera, lol.

I painted three different areas on a white tag, light brown for the beach, light blues for the sky and darker blues for the sea. Glued on the shell and this puffety stuff I found on the beach after a storm last year, and then created the beach with two different shades of Distress Stickles, Scattered Straw and Tarnished Brass. Cut out some small images of shells, and of course the darling boys and glued them on. Printed out the song title of a good old English seaside song ( which I now can't get out of my head, arrgghh ), and drew few seagulls in the sky.

Thank you once again for all the lovely things you said about my tag last week. I am off to France again this weekend, not sure what I will be able to create while I am there. If I have time before we go, I'll try to make and schedule some tags.

Toodlepip xxx


Happy holidays everyone! Happy 4th July to all those on the other side of the ocean!
For my first tag I was inspired by words that evoke the unspoilt seaside.  These words were written on some blue and gold swirly fabric with white acrylic using my tiny flat paintbrush and a dip pen.  On the bottom of the tag I have tried to get the effect of surf on the shore with some silver and blue ric-rac,  needle-felted in place with some curly silk throwsters .  There is more needle-felted surf at the top.  
On the other side,  I have covered the tag with strips of frayed organza in blue and green.  On the bottom is more needle-felted silk and a few sea shells.  The tag is finished with a swirly, glittery organza ribbon.
For my other tag I made some seaside inchies with shells and some sparkly charms. The one on the bottom right might be a parasol, but with the current weather here in Bournemouth, an umbrella is more appropriate! and its far too cold for ice-cream!
I think looking at all your tags over the next few days is the nearest I'm getting to the beach this week!
Bye for now
Jane xx

At The Seaside

   Hi Everyone! 
It is still raining here in Berkshire, so I was very glad to do a seaside tag to make  me dream of sunshine and holidays!
I enjoyed everyone's riverbank tags-such an interesting variety, showcasing all your ideas and skills.

My tag is an interpretation of the seaside from my mind's eye. I made a collage using my stash of painted and coloured papers. (Thanks again, Yvonne for the idea! I have lots to use up from my C&G days!)
The sand is made from sandpaper (what else!), the beach hut is a scrap from an old shirt-doesn't it just look one! The sailing boat and sun are made from Indian papers.
I photographed it on a map of France, to let you use your imagination to go on holiday  there.
Now I am going to enjoy perusing  your tags.
See you next week!


My first tag was a postcard that I created using a photo that I took when my Mom and I were in Tahiti.
Since I wasn't all that crazy about it, I decided to do a vintage type tag - something I haven't done much of so far. I chose a picture of a little girl in a pink dress. I painted the sea and sky on the tag and then added the child, using double stick tape to make her pop up a bit. I made a little stream of water falling from her hand but it didn't show up well, so I added some little rhinestones to the stream - which made it pop. I like this tag - a lot! The little round tag at the top didn't photograph well but at the top says "By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea..."


Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you are all staying cool and are able to dip your toes in water somewhere.

My tag this week is very simple, but I must say the searching for the right image is the time consuming part. I know I have great beach side pictures that I have taken, but have to ask: where have I put the darn things?  I searched the Internet for images and then thought very seriously to myself, you of all people must have something of your own. Well I found a 1930 Blackies Children's Annual that I had bought at a church bazaar last year, and found the beautiful picture I used for my tag. I was not 100% sure I wanted to use that so I searched and found a great postcard of these mischievous boys in the surf and thought I would use that. Alas, it was not printing on the water colour paper I wanted so I went back to my first choice(should always just leave it at that). I have a very vintage Bobbsey Twins on the Deep Blue Sea book and used the text from there (I too, am aghast, but the book is falling apart!). Hats made from 7 gypsies paper, fibre from Basic Grey, a vintage stamp with shell from Nippon ( I couldn't believe I had one of those!) and some glitter of course. Enjoy the week at the Seaside!


P.S. Find the mischievous boys free image for you to download here. Just click on the picture at the end of the post and save it!

Tuesday 3 July 2012


My starting point for this weeks tag, was inspired by one of my daughters birthday cards from her Aunt who lives on Mersea Island.  You have to read the tide table to make sure that you can get across the causeway when going there.  They have lots of pretty beach huts, and my daughter and I have spent many happy hours collecting shells.
Made the base tag from a piece of card to which I stuck a piece of sandpaper. The beach hut was cut from paper in my stash, I didn't have a pattern just went by what looked right.  Used the free stamps on the July issue of Craft Stamper to make the bunting, and 1" wide ric-rac to represent the waves.  The ice cream, I made with paper clay in a mold that was part of a children's Plasticine set. I painted it when dry with Koh-I- Noor paints. 


Hi gang!  Well, I'll be stretching the creative limits this month as I haven't been to a beach in 35 years!  Eek!!  Anyway, I happened to have a scrapbook paper with beach icons so cut out this "sign."  I really didn't know what I would do with it then thought, "Why not just make it a sign?"  How's that for ingenuity??  I added graffiti and a little beach towel.  The "stakes" are cut popsicle sticks, and I glued on a few pieces of dead lily leaves to look like some sort of sea grass.  I'm looking forward to seeing tags made by you folks who get to the beach more often than I do!  Have a good week!


I want to thank everyone for all the amazing comments again last week.They are always so encouraging. There are already some amazing tags uploaded and I'm looking forward to seeing what other great works appear over the next week

The base is corrugated card that I covered in glue then sand from the sandbox in my garden. The characters are acetate. I don't know where I heard/read about using acetate but I just had to try it. I printed a load of seaside clipart images onto an acetate sheet then coloured/outlined them just with some fine sharpie pens and then cut around them (close-ups
 The small one at bottom, right, says 'Kiss Me Kwik' 

I also printed a frame of starfish onto another piece of acetate to use as a top tag cover (see here I stuck the pictures to the sand with some small glue dots and the frame sheet is simply attached with a button through the tag loop of 'invisible' thread

I used thread because I couldn't think what else to use,
so suggestions for future use are most welcome



Well ....with all this lovely wet weather we are having here in the UK just lately..
...there's not been much chance to enjoy a paddle at the seaside!!
So it will be great to enjoy the Seaside through our tag themes this month at Tag Tuesday!
Now, a trip to the seaside is usually a when the camera makes an appearance for most...
...documenting all the fun at the beach.
I've got a fascination with old photographs...
So I decided to use a mini vintage cabinet card as my base for thisweeks tag.
mini cabinet cards

I chose this little fella,
beacause I noticed that the photographer was based in Margate
(seaside town in Kent UK)

and here is my Seaside tag.....
I've added lace, charms, trim, string, paper flower, paint and shells.
Thanks for peeking!
Jan x

Seaside Beach Hut

Couldn't resist using this lovely picture that I saved from a greeting card
 it's such a lovely tranquil scene.
 The original picture was much bigger than this
 so I cut round a clothing tag to get a nice shape,
added tiny shells, flowers and dragonfly punch outs
I also cut out the sun from the other part of the card 
and added it in with a little bit of fluffy cloud and glitter for some summer sparkle 
and a string tie to finish!


I decided to keep things simple this week - I found some old rubber stamps (Oxford Impressions, I think) and had a really enjoyable afternoon 'playing' with them!  I also took the opportunity to make a stash of greetings cards for summer birthdays so it was quite a productive time.

The smaller shells and text I embossed with gold embossing powder on each tag, but it hasn't come out so well in the photo.

Thanks to everyone who left comments for me last week - they are very much appreciated, and I look forward to seeing all your fab creations this week.


Les petits pecheurs  (sorry about the missing accents!)

Manila tag covered in pebble paper. Seagull image from Crafty Individuals, beads as pebbles, shell, main image by Paper Artsy, ribbon from stash.


It's Tuesday already and that means it's Tag Tuesday again. Our theme this week is * seaside*. I have made 2 tags, I'm not really happy with either of them, but didn't have the energy yesterday to do more than read and rest.

The first tag has been made using an image from one of my old German magazines from 1898, showing a trip to the seaside! I have printed the tag onto photo paper, and mounted it on a piece of hand painted paper. I have added 2 of my hand-made beads, and 2 others from a necklace that broke last week. I wanted to use some shells, but the box with the shells and other fishy things has gone AWOL; I will probably find it at Xmas when I am looking for the Easter eggs, or something like that!

The second tag has been distressed with tumbled glass and wild honey. The stamps are from an American company that stopped producing last year, Scrollsworks. I added some gold glass glitter for sand. The fibres were from a hat I kintted for someone.

So, that's all for today. Have a good day, take care, and thanks for visiting.


I was so pleased when I saw Carolyn's themes for this month as there has not been much of a chance to enjoy the seaside here in the UK of late! At least we will be able to enjoy some salty tang and seabird cry via our tags.  I decided to try and capture Punch and Judy for my effort, but it turned out to be much more of a challenge than I had anticipated! With no images, stamps or books  in my stash I had to start from scratch and believe it or not there are four attempts at Punch and Judy in my bin because I couldn't get the scale right! 
punch and judy tag
First I covered a basic tag in some red and white striped paper. I made the top of the little theatre by cutting out a square then a smaller square and covering the frame in another paper. The seaside backdrop I did with water colours then muted it down with some picket fence dabber. I wanted a velvet front to the ledge but didn't have any of the right coloured ribbon so used felt with some braiding attached. Paper curtains and a shape at the top finished that off. Then came Mr and Mrs Punch and baby (I so wanted a string of sausages but couldn't fit them in!) I coloured them with pro-markers so that they would be nice and bright and used sticky pads to attach for dimension. The final piece was to make the next show sign which is glued to a coffee stirrer and sticky padded to the front.
'THATS THE WAY TO DO IT' she says in her best swozzle voice! (The swozzle is the instrument that makes Punch have such a distinctive sound - isn't it a lovely word?)

Thank you so much for all your comments, I really appreciate them. This will be a sunny week here in tag Tuesday land even if it rains everywhere else! Have a lovely time making your tags, can't wait to see them! x

Monday 2 July 2012


Hello  fellow tuesday taggers. You have outdone yourselves again such beautiful and clever tags.

I failed miserably this week. It turned out MASSIVE! No way could you consider it a tag. Not only that but the words of the song  I used as inspiration refers to a 'shady wadey pool' not a 'shadey wadey riverbank' However I quite liked the result in a dopey, gets it completely wrong, kinda way. So I'm going to post it if you don't mind.
Fond regards to you all

Pat x


I also chose dragonflies to decorate my tag this week.  While I don't have  a river close to my house, I do live across from a pond, and several days over the summer there are hundreds of dragonflies that fly over the fields next to the pond.  It is fascinating to see them all with their sparkling wings darting across the tall grass. 

I used watercolor pencils to color the background, and some Stickles to give the wings some glimmer.


Tales of the Riverbank

Hi Tuesday Taggers,
I have been away for about six weeks having a fantastic time visiting  family and friends in England, Germany, Finland and Hong Kong. I am using "jet lag" as my excuse for being so tardy getting back into Tag Tuesday... Here is my 'Riverbank" tag - I thought of a wonderful story from my childhood, called "Shy the Platypus". This may be an animal unknown to some of you - a furry mammal with webbed feet and a duckbill, lays eggs in a riverbank habitat and is native to Australia. I made a little polymer clay platypus for this tag.  The background is a magazine reproduction of Arthur Boyd's painting "The Boat Builders" which depicts the south coastal area of Australia where platypus breed in the colder rivers.
I hope this is not breaking the rules, but I am also posting a couple of tags I made over the last two weeks, but for some reason, couldn't upload from my iPad while travelling - Camping and Green